12 steps to wholeness

1.  I admit that I am powerless without the enabling grace of God to be the kind of person I desire to be and that my life is unmanageable in my own hands.

2.  I believe that the love and grace of God can restore and enable me to become the person I want so much to be.

3.  I decide here and now to turn my will and whole life over to the care and guidance of God, and I surrender to God to be healed and made whole by any means God wills for my life.

4.  I resolve to make a searching and fearless personal inventory of my life in order to discover and face the “shadow” part of my life—to deal with the things I have denied, repressed, and feared.

5.  I will admit and confess to God, to myself, and to another human being whom I trust the exact nature of all the wrongs, faults, and dysfunctions I see in myself and my life.

6.  I am completely ready and willing to have God give me new life and remove all these faults and dysfunctions that controlled my former life.

7.  I humbly and honestly ask God to renew me, to give me Christ-like character, and to remove all the shortcomings and dysfunctions from my life.

8.  I will make a list of all the persons whom I have harmed or injured and will make amends to them.

9.  I will make direct amends to the people whom I have hurt or harmed wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others.

10. I will make a continuous personal inventory of my life and, when I am in the wrong, promptly admit it and make an honest effort to correct the wrong.

11. I will seek through prayer, meditation, and reading to improve my conscious awareness of and contact with God and to ask God for knowledge of the divine will for me and the power to carry out this will.

12. Having gained a spiritual awakening as the result of this personal journey, I commit myself to carrying this message to and sharing it with others, and to practice these principles in all the affairs of my life.