is it pTSD?

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is characterized as having strong, anxious and distressing reactions to a past traumatic event. The memories, flashbacks, nightmares, and night terrors of the event can be so vivid that they provoke seemingly uncontrollable anxious reactions and symptoms. Many people who struggle with PTSD feel helpless to eliminate the negative memories, flashbacks, nightmares, and night terrors and have reactions and symptoms that accompany them.

Some people say that having pTSD is similar to having panic attacks 24/7 and feeling there is nothing you can do to stop them.

PTSD Symptoms:

  • Reoccurring memories, flashbacks, and nightmares that seem unstoppable.

  • Ongoing anxiety and worry

  • underlying fear and trepidation

  • persistently feeling unsafe and at risk

  • avoiding situations that remind you of the event

  • avoiding situations that are associated with reminders and the event itself

  • overly vigilant in uncertain situations

  • avoiding others

  • a persistent internal struggle

  • many of anxiety's psychological, and emotional symptoms.


Take this Self-Assessment

If you have experienced trauma AND you answer "yes" to some of the questions, discuss them with your doctor.If you suspect that you, or a loved one might suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder, you can book an appointment with Dr. Nioka Smith via the link!