Satan appears before God
It amazes me when I read the book of Job and I see where Satan appeared before God along with the angels. I asked God, “Wait. Did Satan really come to heaven?” God summoned Satan to ask him what have you been up to? Satan had to give an account of his whereabouts and his doings? Satan replies, “I’ve been roaming the earth back and forth.” The picture I have in mind is Satan before God with his hands behind his back HUMBLED before the Lord! The King! The Master! It’s like when you see murderers, abusers, and drug lords do all that crime, put up all that chaos, assert themselves over all of those people with violence, and then become cowardly in the courtroom in the face of the judge. No matter who fears them in the world and how mighty and powerful they are in the streets and in their homes to others, When they appear the judge, they become lowly, they become humbled, their shoulders may slump, they may have their head down, their speech is filled with “Yes sir and No sir” all of a sudden, and they are at the MERCY and the powerful judge, someone more powerful than they are, someone who can sentence them to life in prison or even death!
And just like them, Satan knows he’s at the mercy of God. He too has to appear before a judge, day after day and that judges name is GOD! This should remind us in our troubles, in our anxieties, in our fear that even Satan has to appear before God each day because no matter how mighty he claims to be toward you, no matter how powerful he portrays himself to be toward your circumstances, he has to appear before God to account for everything he’s doing and just like With Job, it is GOD who tells Satan what He can and cannot do. But not only that, God puts a LIMITATION on what Satan can and cannot do in your life! There is an expiration date! And There is a limit to how far he can go in your life! As God said to Satan about Job, “You May NOT touch his life”. Can you see Satan now, trembling, afraid, standing in front of God with his head down and hands behind his back in an inferior position to God, being told his limits about your life? Can you see God saying, “I’ll allow you to test my daughter here. But you may NOT do that!” And can you picture Satan answering humbly, “Yes sir.” Ahh!! My God is so powerful! So mighty! Every Demon in hell must bow before our God!
Satan runs nothing! You and God do! Know that God has put a restriction on Satan and a limitation on his attacks! Praise God through it. Allow God to get the glory and know that Satan is a defeated foe! He is like a big bad gang banger who sags and threatens everyone, and appears in the court room and becomes a “Yessuh Massa” man with his pants pulled up and subdued into a powerless posture and position.
Dr. Nioka Smith
follow me on YouTube, IG, and FB: @drniokasmith