Stirring Up Your Gift
Stirring up Your Gift
Dr. Nioka gives 3 steps to stirring up our spiritual gifts.
2 Timothy 1:6-9 KJV
“Wherefore I put thee in remembrance that thou stir up the gift of God, which is in thee by the putting on of my hands. For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord, nor of me his prisoner: but be thou partaker of the afflictions of the gospel according to the power of God…”
I noticed that the spirit of fear verse comes immediately after Paul tells us to stir up the gift. He knows that putting our spiritual gift into action can be frightening but reminds us that this fear we feel is not of God. It’s a spirit that comes to stop is from stirring up our gift. And to truly stir up our gift we must truly use the inner fire in us...and put it to work so that it may grow more and more. It takes more than just the anointing within takes putting a flame to the fire...putting it to use. Knowing that we have the spirit of POWER and of Love and of a sound mind. Speaking of a sound mind, the Bible tells us to let our mind be that of Christ. With a sound mind (the mind of Christ that He has given us), we have already been given what’s needed to stir up the Gift. We have the mind of Christ directing us, keeping us, and encouraging us through it all. That is the mind of Christ. Lastly, it tells us in verse 9 not to be ashamed of testifying of God! Amen. So, the scripture above tells us the following things:
1. Put the gift to work by doing things Oneself. Yourself. Yourself. The emphasis is on Self. I know that the anointing of God lives there inside of me but I must take steps myself.
2. Rely on God’s power to do it, being sure not to walk in fear but in power. Fear is going to forever knock, but you don’t have to welcome it in. You can use faith to destroy fear. The faith comes by knowing that God’s spirit of power, love, and a sound mind lives within me; and that every time I stir up that gift (put it to use), those three things are going to show up: Power, Love, and a Sound Mind! Glory!!!
3. Do it unashamedly!!! Never be ashamed to testify of tell others about God. Always be ready to suffer for the gospel just as Paul did and was thrown in jail for the gospel of Christ. Stir up the gift with all intent to bring glory to God and His name, not to gain acceptance from the world...always being knowledgeable that the world won’t always accept you...because of the world hated the Lord whom they never saw, we must know that the world may also hate us whom they see everyday (John 15:18). I was sent here for a reason and that reason wasn’t to please the world. NEVER be ashamed of your gift no matter what that gift may be.
-Written by Dr. Nioka Smith
For such a time as this…
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